The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (HCB) is a university tertiary hospital with a long reputation of excellence in care provision, training, and research at the national and international levels. HCB is a community hospital that employs around 4,000 workers. As a Tertiary Hi-tech Hospital, the goals are around consolidating an organisation that stimulates knowledge and its translation to mainstream services, together with adequate innovation in technology that ensures the development of the most advanced work practices. The priority is set on innovation in new models of organising care provision. HCB has pursued the creation of an integrated care model of service integration aiming at maximising cooperation among professionals, levels of care and institutions.
The team is integrated by specialists with a large experience in managing patients with gastrointestinal diseases, with a special focus on the disease’s diagnosis, endoscopic management and pre-cancerous conditions of the upper gastrointestinal tract. HCB is a reference hospital for highly complex gastric pathology. Regarding H. pylori and gastric cancer, this team has conducted several basic and clinical research projects, clinical guidelines as well as educational initiatives to enhance the clinical performance of both primary care physicians and gastroenterologists (such as AEGastrum-semFYC and Finally,