I3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health, University of Porto
i3S is the largest research institute in Health and Life sciences in Portugal, resulting from a consortium between IPATIMUP, IBMC, INEB, and UPORTO.
The consortium involves 12 centres of excellence from 8 European countries, with a multidisciplinary team including some leading European authorities on gastric inflammation and cancer, experts in bioinformatics, artificial intelligence and machine learning and in data governance and privacy, representatives of the public administration and patient advocates.
i3S is the largest research institute in Health and Life sciences in Portugal, resulting from a consortium between IPATIMUP, IBMC, INEB, and UPORTO.
Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinic is the largest institution dedicated for health care professionals training in the Baltic countries.
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (HCB) is a university tertiary hospital with a long reputation of excellence in care provision, training, and research at national and international level.
Nantes University Hospital is the 6th largest French University Hospital, among the top 10 university hospitals recognised as ‘highly committed to research’.
Latvia University with more than 15,000 students, 13 faculties and 17 scientific institutes is the only classical university in Latvia being the leader and most influential education institution in the country.
It is a science-based institution based in the centre of the capital, is regarded as one of the UK’s leading institutions. It is focused on science, engineering, medicine, and business.
Digestive Cancers Europe is the European umbrella organisation of a large group of national members representing patients with digestive cancers, including gastric cancer.
The department of public health of Erasmus MC is world leader in decision models for the evaluation of cancer screening interventions.
Property of the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, this hospital is aimed at offering excellent, safe and humanised health care, as effective as the state of knowledge allows.
IPO-Porto is the largest specialised Portuguese cancer centre (10,000 new patients per year) dedicated to patient care, training, and research in oncology.
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Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme Grant Agreement Nº: 101095359. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Health and Digital Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.