Behind the scenes


AIDA aims to develop and validate a multidisciplinary AI-powered assistant that will support clinicians in gastric cancer prevention by diagnosing precancerous gastric-inflammation and suggesting personalised therapeutics and monitoring.


We envision a new form of collaboration, beyond the public-private partnership model, in which participants from different countries or sectors exchange their data to create public value.

Data collaboratives form a sustainable answer to the problem that collaborative research and clinical innovation are generally limited to local, fragmented of limited quality, and research is progressing through ad-hoc collaborations on specific projects.


The Sooner. The Better.

Most cases of gastric cancer are detected at a late stage, when patients have a median life expectancy of about a year. Diagnosing people at risk of developing gastric cancer at the pre-symptomatic stage, typically chronic infection with H. pylori, could significantly improve the outlook.

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AIDA related news


AIDA Kick-off meeting.

The AIDA project was launched in January 2023 and the kick-off meeting was held on Jan 12 at INCLIVA headquarters in Valencia, Spain. This project has a four-year duration and is supported by over 7 million euros between European and


All about our latest event, Empowering All Healthcare.

On March 4th, Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff from INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute and Kirill Veselkov from Imperial College London, coordinator, and partner of the AIDA project, respectively, presented the AIDA project at the event “Empowering All Healthcare” in Valencia (Spain) and