May 31 • Event Healthcare in the era of AI by the HDI Council.

The Aida project was presented during the event Healthcare in the era of AI organised by the Healthcare Data Innovation Council on May 31 in Zurich. Representatives from INCLIVA, Stratejai, and Imperial College London presented overview and objectives of the project as well as the potential impact of Aida on population health and gastric cancer management.

The event Healthcare in the Era of AI was characterised by a very rich discussion touching upon opportunities on how to use data to save lives, the value that can be derived from analysing health data and progress at regulatory and policy level, as well as barriers or challenging expectations of different stakeholders. 

In the welcome remarks, Uthra SundaramGabriel Lopez Serrano and Stefano Sedola focused on the importance of bringing our “A-game” in the field to drive a fruitful multidisciplinary exchange that can increase understanding and demystify the topics of the data space and generative AI applied to health.  

Among the speakers, there were several representatives of the Aida project who presented and overview of the research focusing on its objectives and potential impact for population health and gastric cancer prevention management. Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff, Kirill Veselkov and Andrea Pescino highlighted the value of having a tool like Aida at disposal of clinicians and Antonello Scalmato shared, data and AI expert in the project, showcased a preliminary result, the Aida chatbot that can answer to questions related to the project, gastric inflammation and gastric cancer.

The presentation of the Aida project was accompanied by other interesting projects and initiatives on health data, like the AI4BetterHearts from Novartis Foundation, a non-for-profit data collaborative for improving cardiovascular population health, and HyperFoods research by Imperial College London. 


To know more about the work of the Healthcare Data Innovation Council visit the website.

Re-live the 2022 hybrid conference here and read the White Paper.


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