All about our latest event, Empowering All Healthcare.

On March 4th, Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff from INCLIVA Biomedical Research Institute and Kirill Veselkov from Imperial College London, coordinator, and partner of the AIDA project, respectively, presented the AIDA project at the event “Empowering All Healthcare” in Valencia (Spain) and online.

Empowering All Healthcare is an event where speakers from the academic and industrial world presented their projects and experience on artificial intelligence and medicine. 30-minute ted talks for all audiences with questions. Early detection, diabetes, pediatric cancer, mental health or data processing are some of the topics that will be discussed during the event.

All the information on the website: AI4MED Valencia 2023.


  • Nuria Oliver – Director of the Ellis Alicante Foundation, Chief Scientific Advisor of the Vodafone Institute and Chief Data Scientist of DataPopAlliance
  • Juan Ignacio Torregrosa López – General Director for the Advancement of the Digital Society Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, Generalitat Valenciana
  • Julian Isla – Co-founder Fundación 29 and Director of Resources for the Artificial Intelligence group at MicrosoftKirill Veselvok – Head of the Computational Medicine group in the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London
  • Tania Fleitas Kanonnikoff – Doctor, oncologist and researcher Joan Rodés at INCLIVAOscar Pastor – Professor at the UPV and Director of Transfer and Internationalization of VRAINFrancisco Manuel Rangel Pardo – PhD in AI, Executive Product Director of Symanto Research and General Director in Spain
  • Juan Carlos Martinez Selma – CEO and Commercial Director of Atribus, President of ASAPCV and Treasurer of AVALNET
  • Erik Isusquiza – Software Manager at ULMA Medical Technologies


The streaming of the event is available at this youtube link.


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