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Thank you for joining us at the AIDA Webinar: Fighting against Helicobacter Pylori: Experience Based on 10 Years of the HpEuReg. Your presence and active participation made the event a resounding success.
AIDA aims to develop and validate a multidisciplinary AI-powered assistant that will support clinicians in gastric cancer prevention by diagnosing precancerous gastric-inflammation and suggesting personalised therapeutics and monitoring.
The project is led by Tania Fleitas, a Scientific Researcher at INCLIVA. It encompasses a multidisciplinary consortium that includes some of the leading European authorities on gastric inflammation and cancer, experts in bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, as well as specialists in data governance and privacy. Additionally, representatives from the public administration and patient advocates are also part of the consortium.
January 2023
€ 7 Mil
48 Months
12 Partners
8 Countries
Thank you for joining us at the AIDA Webinar: Fighting against Helicobacter Pylori: Experience Based on 10 Years of the HpEuReg. Your presence and active participation made the event a resounding success.
Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme Grant Agreement Nº: 101095359. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Health and Digital Executive Agency can be held responsible for them.